Karin Rindevall 2D & 3D Animator
Comic Artist
3D Artist
That's me. I am an animator, illustrator and comic artist who by chance became a game developer. I am 23 years old
and have been lurking around the
Internet since I was 11. My first
blog-like log on the Internet was
a small section on my first
website back in 1998 which was
updated every friday in poor
english and scribbles. Things
haven't changed much in the past
11 years, huh? :)
If you want
to read this blog in Swedish,
please use the google translation
tool since I don't have time to
write in both languages. Feel
free to leave comments in either
Today the weather started to get really bad around 17:00 (super dark clouds and thunder!). I started biking home around 18:30 and halfway home the rain started pouring down like crazy and around me there were lots of thunder and lightning! Cozy! Reminds me of summers back home a bit. The rain was less cozy though. :S
(I rock at drawing bikes...)
My body feels all sore. Yesterday evening/night me and Robert helped our friends moving. Since the trains are going at irregular basis we had to take a bus and ended up on the wrong side of where we live (there were no other bus-stops!). We got back home at 01:30. He slept like a log but I could hardly sleep because of all the activity. XD Went back up 06:30 and jumped onto my bike on new adventures! Have been sleepy all day, though.
Today's highlight: got messages and mails from lots of awesome people. Gotta reply asap! :)